Temporary tables caching

Posted: August 5, 2019 by Virendra Yaduvanshi in Database Administrator
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The caching feature with SQL Server was introduced in SQL Server 2005. This functionality provides the caching of temporary objects (temp tables, table variables and TVFs) across repeated calls of objects like Stored procedures, Triggers and UDFs.

In-short, when a stored procedure execution ends, SQL Server truncates (few exceptions are there) and renames the table, keeping only one IAM and one data page. The structure will be used by the subsequent calls instead of allocating new pages from scratch when the object is created again.

If the temp objects are smaller than 8MB, the truncation happens immediately after module execution ends, for the larger temp objects, SQL Server performs “deferred drop” and immediately returns control to the application.

The caching mechanism works for the temp tables that is created by using CREATE TABLE or SELECT INTO statements. The caching is not possible when there is an explicit DDL on a temp table after it is created like ALTER #table ADD Constraint, CREATE STATISTICS on table columns or there is a named constraint on a temp table. Temporary tables are also not cached if they are part of dynamic SQL or ad-hoc batch.

Statistics created using an explicit CREATE STATISTICS statement are not linked to a cached temporary object. Auto-Created statistics are linked to a cached temp object. UPDATE STATISTICS does not prevent temp table caching.

As we can track temp table name by using SELECT OBJECT_ID(‘tempdb.dbo.#temp’) , This will show that temp table object_id never changes – an internal process renames temp table name to hexadecimal form at the end of the stored procedure. This would happen even if we explicitly dropped the table.

If a stored procedure is executed concurrently, multiple separate cached objects may be created in tempdb. There is a cached temp object per execution context.

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