Today, My Dev team was looking for a solution where they wanted to access a Development server with alternate name of server instead of server’s original name because in an application connection string was using server name and team was not interested to change application configuration file. With SQL Server Configuration Manager there is a feature named as “Alias” – its a simply an alternative name given to the server. In other case this alias name can be used as easier for users to remember server instead of having a complicated name like DESKTOP-0P6BOHT ( for example my laptop name) , here we can simplify it to something like Virendra. I hope this approach can be applied in case of any server movement/migration from one server to another old/new server. Once an alias has been created and all relevant system objects have been updated to reference the alias, renaming or moving the server becomes a much less tedious process as only the alias need to be updated to reference the new server name and it can save huge time.

In order to configure an alias, Here I am using my PC, which name is “DESKTOP-0P6BOHT”

Step 1 ) Open SQL Server Configuration Manager and Select Alias from SQL Native Client Configuration

Step 2) A new dialog box “Alias – New” will be open

Set Alias Name as per your convenience (example – Virendra) , Your Server SQL port Number – here is default 1433 and Server Name as per your system name ( here my PC name)

Click on Apply /OK.

Great, now we should be able to connect to the instance of SQL Server using the newly created alias.  To check this Launch SQL Server Management Studio and enter the alias name as the server and try to connect.

Good News, you are connected with your server, this approach is harmonious if you are testing on same server, but if you want to access your server remotely, needs to add alias name in your organization’s DNS server.

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